Yummy Twitterまとめ


@yummy_t13 2016/05/20 10:29

@bregotda_juice 2016/05/20 10:29
RT @_h0neylee: for the second time lmao, I got love 4 him & he's Yummy ???? but we don't talk. https://t.co/ro1q4kTIRC

@lensandwood 2016/05/20 10:29
RT @Honner_PR: Today was bake 'n' bring at Honner with delicious caramel slices made by our own @rachlmaher !! #Yummy #foodporn https://t.c…

@4LeafCloverGirl 2016/05/20 10:29
RT @frenchbullpuppy: Yummy! Chew everything! ? @winstonweekly https://t.co/K4BJIqFtKV

@SuaOmbra 2016/05/20 10:29
@suedechukka Yummy, no tabasco...like their salty flavour on my tongue...

@AubreyRenee2323 2016/05/20 10:29
I thank God every day for making men like you. #mmm #Yummy

@AriiaRose 2016/05/20 10:29
Gonna try to make those?? Yummy!

@Butler_ES 2016/05/20 10:29
Admin/SCEI Week Day 4: Thank you office, Counselors, library for our Yummy breakfast, lunch and gift!! ??#TeamSISD https://t.co/c01aAWxP8R

@cms519 2016/05/20 10:29
Mermaid socks, Yummy dinner, & more-thanks for making my birthday so special, esp @michmamo and @philscath522 . https://t.co/Q8AoUPF49U
